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Why South Africa Needs to End Fossil Fuels | Politically Aweh Podcast #004
Politically Aweh speaks with Ferrial Adam, Nick Hedley and Crispian Olver about fossil fuels and climate change impacts in South Africa in 2024.
July 8, 2024
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Climate change is a critical issue that intersects with societal issues like unemployment, crime, electricity, and service delivery, yet it often remains overlooked in political agendas. Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas are driving the vast majority of the emissions heating up our country, bringing food insecurity, extreme weather and other impacts like floods and droughts. But South Africa has historically been very dependent on coal and is today one of the world's most carbon-intensive economies. To bring this urgent matter into focus, we've produced a podcast episode featuring insightful discussions with climate change experts that go deeper into the topic covered in our recent explainer videos about energy and climate change.